Patient Care from MGCH&RI

General Information

There are three ways to be admitted:

(1) Inpatient Admission and

(2) Day Care Admission

(3) Emergency/Casualty

If the doctors determine that the patient needs to be admitted for surgery or to receive care in the Inpatient unit, the patient can approach the Inpatient Registration Desk for assistance with the necessary formalities.

Based on factors such as diagnosis, eligibility, priority, and availability of rooms/beds, the patient will be allocated the appropriate accommodations. If there is no availability of rooms in the desired category, the staff will place the patient’s name on a waiting list and inform them once a room becomes available. We do provide beds in case of non-availability by upgrading the plan accepted in an emergency period.

For repeat admissions, you can request a room in the desired category by calling 0891-2878787 in advance for a specific day. The admissions staff will contact you by phone to provide information about the room’s availability.

The admission counter provides a list of charges for different room categories. To secure admission, the patient is required to deposit the appropriate amount based on their desired room type.

Your treating doctor refers to the help desk to provide an average estimate of the hospitalization cost. They will explain the approximate expenses you may incur during your stay. However, the actual treatment requirements may vary depending on the patient’s clinical condition. Unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to changes in the treatment estimate.

To stay informed about your expenses at any given point, you can request a provisional bill from the Ward Secretary or Billing Department. If you have any questions or need clarification regarding your expenditures or an estimate for further treatment, you can discuss it with your doctor.

In an emergency, there is an immediate team of response with two beds based on doctor availability and process.


Room availability/details/process

Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute provides affordable patient rooms ranging from air-conditioned general cubical wards to air-conditioned deluxe rooms. Every patient bed from General to Deluxe is equipped with a Central Oxygen supply & suction facility along with Nurse Call Facility. The nurse call facility ensures that a nurse responds to your call personally and immediately.

Suite rooms admitted patients are given a fresh welcome kit on their arrival in the room containing basic toiletry items like toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, tissue roll, and newspapers (Hindi or English). There is a provision for a relative of a patient to stay with the patient in all wards except ICU, MICU, and HDU (Post-Operative ward).

A variety of inpatient accommodations to suit the requirements of all our patients are offered. The various room categories and facilities available are as follows: –

A/C Suit Rooms

These are well-furnished rooms in the hospital. It is provided with a telephone with a local call facility, an attendant couch for the patient’s attendant, and a common toilet and bathroom.

A/C Deluxe Rooms

These are well-furnished air-conditioned single rooms with ambiance. It is provided with Central Oxygen & Suction facility, a Television set, and an attendant couch for the patient’s attendant.

General (Cubical Ward)

Around 40 single-bed cubicles with a provision for central oxygen and suction facilities, a nurse call bell system, and routine Patient Information facilities. One patient attendee will be allowed to stay with the patient for 24 hours.

ArogyaSri General Ward

Around 100 single beds with a provision for central oxygen and suction facilities, a nurse call bell system, and routine patient information facilities will allow one patient attendee to stay with the patient for 24 hours.

Pediatric Ward

These are well-furnished rooms in the hospital that are shared by children. It is provided with an attendant couch for the patient’s attendant and a common toilet and bathroom. And in general, there are around 20 beds for kids, with some fun activities as an add-on.

Day Care Ward & Unit

The daycare unit contained eight beds, which were specifically provided for their needs. Daycare patients are normally given a general ward unless specified by the patient.


The ICU is a well-equipped ward in the Old Wing with centralized oxygen and suction to take care of critical patients. The ward is equipped with a ventilator, multi-para monitor & Bi-pap facility, Infusion pump, etc. One doctor is available round the clock to monitor the patient, along with the nursing staff. There is a waiting room furnished with easy chairs for patient attendants.

Scalp Cooling

2 rooms are particularly made for scalp cooling the part of chemo which are specified in accordance with the patient’s need.

BMT Unit in Arelova

A completely destined bone marrow transplantation unit is available nearby the hospital premises with the timely help of donors and patient support from different trusts and service sectors as a collaboration.

Radiation therapy waiting hall

Other facilities

Along with the special care in the hospital, we provide the following facilities to our patients throughout their stay

  • Air Conditioner (AC)
  • Android TV
  • New patient bed – 4 function bed
  • Geyser
  • Wifi – Inprocess
Supportive services

We understand that healthcare needs can arise at any hour, which is why our pharmacy remains open round the clock. Located within the renowned Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, we prioritize your well-being by providing convenient access to a wide range of medicines, healthcare products, and professional guidance.



Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute offers highly advanced mobile ICU ambulance units with various facilities to handle emergency cases. Our well-trained ambulance staff is prepared to handle any type of emergency that arises for our patients.

Our unique mobile ICU services feature a range of life-saving capabilities, making it an invaluable asset for patients with critical time constraints. Exclusively available at Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, this mobile ICU unit provides the best treatment during emergency scenarios.